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The Profound and Illegible Tales of Jim the Wild Man

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If someone would have told me ten years ago that I would eventually become a business owner, a wildlife control specialist, a husband and a father among other things I would have laughed and shrugged my shoulders at them. Isn’t it strange how series of events in your life carve a path for you that only you can follow? I graduated from The University of South Alabama with a degree in biology and a double minor in geology and chemistry. I knew that I wanted a good government job somewhere like in a national park for instance but eventually realized the error in my thinking. In order to get one of “those” jobs in the field of biology, a person must have years of experience, the person who currently has the desired position has to croak (no one really gives up those types of jobs...(enter picture of 75yr old dude with a ranger hat on sleeping in his truck)) or I would simply need a PhD in that field of study. Those were not good options for me. I worked as a bartender at the country club for 5 years while trying to find a biology related position that actually paid enough to live on. I eventually saw an advertisement for a “Wildlife Biologist” position available in my town. So I applied and found that it was not really a biologist position but something pretty damn close so I took the job. I worked for a large wildlife control company for over 5 years and began to ponder my future. Staying as a technician in that capacity was not leading me to any type of success, delusions of grandeur mostly just waiting for the next big opportunity. I had to step away and start being successful in my own way. Exclusive Wildlife and Pest Control was born! Actually this is one of the toughest times in my life owning my own business and being responsible for so much. Did I mention that it is totally worth it! I’ll never go back to working for someone else. Strangely enough I always thought bloggers were annoying and sort of self-absorbed. I often wondered how someone could sit and talk about something in order to see if others actually cared. Here I am now…blogging..Ha! I found that I had a need to just sit and tell stories. If people like them then that’s great. I don’t really care if anyone follows me. I just like to make people laugh. I certainly don’t claim to be a great writer at all. In actuality I don’t plan on spending hours editing these things because..well it’s a blog..and it’s mine! If you find a typo or incorrect sentence structure then I urge you to move along as you will be very disappointed! However, if it’s in the morning time and you’ve just poured that cup of hot Joe and you are looking for a laugh, a cringe or just need some sort of brain stimulation other than Doc McStuffins that your grubby little kids are watching on TV then I’m the guy!

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